Couple drinking coffeeWhether you’re a coffee drinker or prefer tea, dark beverages often contain tannins, sugar, syrups, and other staining agents that stick to the enamel and discolor your smile. There are many ways to help you avoid coffee stains and mitigate the effects of drinking coffee, including:

With aging and the effects of tooth staining over time, discoloration can unfortunately be inevitable. We understand that a dull or yellow sheen to your teeth can cause self-consciousness or insecurity when smiling, which is why Dr. Griffiths offers in-office and at-home professional teeth whitening trays to lift stains and lighten your smile by up to ten shades! Depending on your preferences and the extent of discoloration affecting your teeth, our cosmetic dentist can advise you on the best teeth whitening system for you and present alternatives, if necessary. For patients with deep discoloration or tetracycline stains, porcelain veneers may be more ideal in concealing yellow, orange, brown, or gray spots.

Dr. Mark Griffiths and the friendly team at our San Diego practice can examine the discoloration affecting your smile and present you with solutions to brighten your teeth. Contact our Mission Hills office for more information about our cosmetic treatments or to schedule a consultation.